
CT Dent thumbnail_15_intrumentarium-op300-80x80 Case of the month - A Case of a Compound Odontoma
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Case of the month – A Case of a Compound Odontoma

CBCT Scanner: Gendex DP700

CBCT Imaging Protocol: 60cm x 40cm x 40cm, 0.13 voxels

Effective Dose: 0.06 mSv

Clinical Information: Radiopacity seen in upper left anterior region. Confirmation required of likely diagnosis and relationship with adjacent teeth.

Click here to view and manipulate this case of the month CBCT on our Cloud Viewer

Radiographic Impression:
Dental Findings: Specific comments associated with each of the cross-sections below.

The following are selected images from the volume illustrating major findings
Reconstructed panoramic radiograph; a prominent, irregular area of mixed density containing multiple tooth-like objects surrounded by a low density line of uniform width was noted in the maxillary left central and lateral incisor region. The area appears to be radiographically consistent with a compound odontoma.

Clinical Information: Radiopacity seen in upper left anterior region. Confirmation required of likely diagnosis and relationship with adjacent teeth.