
Dr Nilesh Parmar discusses his experience of working with CT Dent
February 12, 2019
The Importance of CBCT in Implant Dentistry
March 12, 2019Case of the Month – Dentoalveolar Trauma
CBCT Imaging Protocol: 5cm x 5cm, 0.2 voxels
Effective Dose: 0.02 mSv
Clinical Information: Trauma from fall off bike. Assessment of upper anterior teeth for fractures.
Click here to view and manipulate this case of the month CBCT on our Cloud Viewer
Radiographic Impression:
Fracture of the maxillary anterior alveolar process extending from the mesial surface of the right central incisor to the interproximal space between the maxillary left central and lateral incisors. Fracture through the apex of the left central incisor also seen. PDL spaces associated with the right central incisor and left lateral incisor are consistent with partial traumatic avulsion.
The following are selected images from the volume illustrating major findings:

Reconstructed panoramic radiograph

Maxillary right lateral incisor; the tooth appears to be normal.

Maxillary right central incisor region; the PDL space is widened there appears to be a line of fracture [arrow] adjacent to the apex of the root. A line of fracture through the alveolar process was observed adjacent to the mesial edge of the right central incisor.

Maxillary left central incisor: the line of fracture extends through the apical one third of the left central incisor and exits through the labial surface of the alveolar process adjacent to the distal surface of the central incisor.

Maxillary left lateral incisor region; the PDL space surrounding the lateral incisor is widened and is consistent with partial traumatic avulsion.
Clinical Information: Trauma from fall off bike. Assessment of upper anterior teeth for fractures.