
Case of the month - Implant analysis requested. Pre-implant UL1
August 19, 2021
Maxillary left central incisor region; a small supernumerary tooth exhibiting internal/external resorptive changes was observed on the distal surface of the alveolar process with the crown adjacent to the lingual surface of the canine-first premolar interproximal space.
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Case of the month - Identifying expended lesion
July 16, 2021
Clinical information: Well corticated monocular radiolucency distal to LL7, extending to the crest of the ridge and appears to displace the ID nerve inferiorly.
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Case of the Month - Large cyst anterior mandible
June 14, 2021
Clinical information: Large cyst anterior mandible on OPG, plan for enucleation. To understand nature of cyst and relations to lower teeth.
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Case of the Month - Invasive Cervical Resorption
May 11, 2021
Clinical information: ECIR LR6: extent of destruction?
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Case of the Month - Implant placement with interesting incidental radiographic findings
January 19, 2021
Clinical information: To assess bone volume for placement of Implants in the Upper 5 regions bilaterally and for any pathology on the volume.
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