February 21, 2024
CT Dent 24X07165-960x750 Unlocking Precision in Dentistry: The Vital Role of Dental CT scan Viewing Software

Unlocking Precision in Dentistry: The Vital Role of Dental CT scan Viewing Software

February 6, 2024
CT Dent 1-940x750 Our New AI + Human Radiology Reports are here!

Our New AI + Human Radiology Reports are here!

January 5, 2021
CT Dent Stay-safe-1-960x750 Patient safety is our priority

Patient safety is our priority

We are pleased to announce that we will remain open in the current lockdown (January 2021). We understand patients may have concerns and are anxious about […]
November 18, 2020
CT Dent Business-growth-concept Dental imaging that enhances your clinic

Dental imaging that enhances your clinic

Since its introduction in dental and maxillofacial imaging, cone beam CT has played an important role, alongside clinical evaluation, with the planning and follow-up of dental […]