July 16, 2019
CT Dent Course-video-image-1-960x714 CBCT Level 1 training – ONLINE COURSE

CBCT Level 1 training – ONLINE COURSE

This training is intended for dentists, dental nurses with the certificate in dental radiography (CDR), dental hygienists and dental therapists who are already adequately trained to take […]
May 1, 2019
CT Dent Landscape-for-social-media-and-news-page Using CBCT for Investigating Lower Third Molars

Using CBCT for Investigating Lower Third Molars

CBCT imaging is used prior to many dental procedures as it allows for a more accurate and safer patient outcome, one such procedure is the extraction […]
April 9, 2019
CT Dent Robot_3-smaller-960x750 The development of artificial intelligence applications at CT Dent - working with Orca Dental AI

The development of artificial intelligence applications at CT Dent – working with Orca Dental AI

An interview with Daniel Abraham, founder and president of Orca Dental AI, who has been working with CT Dent to design new AI applications.
March 12, 2019
CT Dent thumbnail_15_intrumentarium-op300 The Importance of CBCT in Implant Dentistry

The Importance of CBCT in Implant Dentistry

Since its introduction for dental and maxillofacial imaging Cone Beam CT has played an important role alongside clinical evaluation with the planning and follow-up of dental […]