March 31, 2020
CT Dent COM3Mar2020 Case of the Month - Implant Planning; Accessory Neurovascular Canal

Case of the Month – Implant Planning; Accessory Neurovascular Canal

Clinical Information: Assessment of the position of anatomical structures and pathology prior to implant placement in the lower left molar region. Patient wearing radiographic template.
March 20, 2020
CT Dent COVID-19 COVID-19 update from CT Dent

COVID-19 update from CT Dent

Given the unprecedented COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation we wanted to keep you updated on how this affects staff and patients visiting our centres for dental scans, as […]
February 27, 2020
CT Dent Feb2020COM1-1-e1582830420897 Case of the month - Implant Planning in the UR5

Case of the month – Implant Planning in the UR5

Clinical information: Implant placement planned at upper right second premolar site. Radiographic stent worn during scan.
February 11, 2020
CT Dent CBCT-Implant-image-from-Zahra-960x627 Using a dental imaging centre for implant CBCT scans

Using a dental imaging centre for implant CBCT scans

Hear from Dr Amit Mistry about the effectiveness of scans for dental procedures.