March 20, 2020
CT Dent COVID-19 COVID-19 update from CT Dent

COVID-19 update from CT Dent

Given the unprecedented COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation we wanted to keep you updated on how this affects staff and patients visiting our centres for dental scans, as […]
February 11, 2020
CT Dent CBCT-Implant-image-from-Zahra-960x627 Using a dental imaging centre for implant CBCT scans

Using a dental imaging centre for implant CBCT scans

Hear from Dr Amit Mistry about the effectiveness of scans for dental procedures.
October 2, 2019
CT Dent AI-learning-fast Our AI is Learning Fast

Our AI is Learning Fast

AT CT Dent we believe in humans and AI working together to achieve the highest level of accuracy and a faster service: very soon our scan […]
September 24, 2019
CT Dent banner01-960x700 10 years on and still no need to purchase a scanner

10 years on and still no need to purchase a scanner

Dr Wayne Hirschowitz talks about his experience of using CT Dent for the past ten years for dental scans for his implant practice.