January 29, 2020
CT Dent COM3Jan2020-e1580211006141 Case of the Month - Root Treated, Symptomatic, Upper Right First Molar

Case of the Month – Root Treated, Symptomatic, Upper Right First Molar

Clinical information: Root canal treatment on UR6 four months ago. Tooth is still symtomatic. Please assess for any evidence of resorption.
December 30, 2019
CT Dent COM1Dec19-960x350 Case of the Month - Implant Planning at Multiple Sites in the Mandible

Case of the Month – Implant Planning at Multiple Sites in the Mandible

Clinical information: CBCT required as part of planning for implants in the LL6, LR4 and LR6 sites
November 27, 2019
CT Dent COMNov1-960x395 Case of the month - Implant Planning

Case of the month – Implant Planning

Clinical Information: Pre-implant assessment of LR6 and LL6 sites
October 29, 2019
CT Dent COMSep19-960x320 Case of the Month - Dentoalveolar Trauma

Case of the Month – Dentoalveolar Trauma

Clinical Information: Patient was hit in the face with a squash racket. UR1 horizontal fracture seen on periapical. CBCT needed to assess extent and any associated bony […]