
Case of the Month - All-on-Four and Zygomatic Implant Planning
June 30, 2019
Clinical Information: Pre-implant assessment for all-on-4 procedure, and potential planning for zygomatic implants if necessary.
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Case of the month - Diagnosis of a Bony Lump
May 20, 2019
Clinical Information: Bony lump in URQ ? osteoma ? odontome ? impacted tooth
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Case of the month - A Case of a Compound Odontoma
March 27, 2019
Clinical Information: Radiopacity seen in upper left anterior region. Confirmation required of likely diagnosis and relationship with adjacent teeth.
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Case of the Month - Dentoalveolar Trauma
February 27, 2019
Clinical Information: Trauma from fall off bike. Assessment of upper anterior teeth for fractures.
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Case of the Month - Planning for Dental Implants
January 31, 2019
Main Findings: Maxilla: No abnormalities detected Sinuses: A generalised increase in the thickness and density of the tissues lining the right and left maxillary, ethmoid, and sphenoid sinuses were noted. The bone forming the maxillary and sphenoid sinuses is thickened and sclerotic/increased in density.
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